Fat burning methods have been touted as quick, effective ways to lose unwanted fat, but there’s a newer method that has been getting a lot of attention from press. This non-invasive method called CoolSculpting involves freezing fat cells in order to destroy them.
You might have seen CoolSculpting in the news. This innovative technique has been featured on several TV shows, including The Doctors, E!News, Dr. Oz, Good Morning America. CoolSculpting has also been covered in prominent magazines, such as GQ, Elle Vogue, Shape, and Men’s Health.
Why are people in the media taking notice of CoolSculpting? Both doctors and patients love it. Doctors prefer to avoid risky, invasive procedures. CoolSculpting has no piercing, cutting, no injections involved.
Why should patients choose CoolSculpting vs. liposuction?
Unlike liposuction or other surgeries, CoolSculpting isn’t painful and doesn’t leave you with lingering soreness (there’s just a little tingling during the freezing process, and most important, patients do not need bed rest or other special precautions afterwards. The results are lasting and undeniable.
The unique CoolSculpting procedure was developed by Harvard scientists and is based on the proprietary science of Cryolipolysis(R), a process demonstrating that when fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, they die and are eliminated naturally from the body. Only the CoolSculpting procedure selectively targets (freezes) the fat cells which, once crystallized, die and are naturally eliminated from the body. Fat cells treated and eliminated by the procedure are gone for good, and patients can expect long-lasting results.
Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting are relatively fit, but have some modest size fat bulges that are not easily reduced but diet and exercise. They are seeking spot reduction for specific areas of fat, but are not considering a surgical procedure. The CoolSculpting is not intended for fat loss or obesity and it’s not a substitute for invasive methods such as liposuction.
Today CoolSculpting is the single most requested body contouring treatment. Over 1 million of CoolSculpting treatments have been performed worldwide.
If you’d like to know more about this procedure, please contact us at 905-889-2005 and the friendly team of The Centre for Dermatology will be happy to advise you.